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Energy and Climate

How we produce energy has a huge impact on the environment, and no one knows that better than SFS’s Energy and Climate Committee. Energy and Climate’s goal is to work with as many sectors of the UA as possible in order to help the UA get to net neutral carbon emissions by 2050 or sooner. This includes everything from working with Facilities Management to install new solar panels to helping educate the UA population about why we should all care about climate change.



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Sam Gibbon


Wind Turbines on Water
Warm Lights

LED Retrofit

Energy and Climate is working with Facilities Management to implement LED lights in buildings around campus.

Warm Lights

Biosphere 2 Tour

This project demonstrates the importance of sustainability and the need to continue fighting for our environment by facilitating accessible and free field trips,

open to all students, to Biosphere 2.

Warm Lights

Campus Vegetation


Warm Lights

Energy Dashboard

This project aims to build an interactive, user-friendly map with the Office of Sustainability.  It will display energy usage data from each building on campus, and will represent the interests of UA students.

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